
With winter right around the corner, it’s a best practice of responsible homeowners to address any air leaks that may be present in their home. The more holes and cracks that are present in your windows and doors, the faster the warm air from your heating system will escape into the outdoors. To compensate for the lost air, your HVAC unit will have to work even harder, using up more energy and racking up higher utility bills.

With some guidance from a respected window and door expert, like JFK Window & Door of Cincinnati, OH, you can learn how to spot the leaks and what to do about them before winter comes. Here is a survey of strategies for tracking down the air leaks in your home:

  • Inspect the Framing: It’s a good idea to start with a visual inspection of the areas around your doors and windows. Any obvious signs of damage in the frames or caulking should be noted on a master list. You’re looking for cracks, odd fits, or serious peeling, all of which could allow air to escape. 
  • windowCheck the Panes: It’s also worth giving a closer look to the panes of your windows. Over time, the putty that anchors each pane in place can break down, leaving a thin space for air to sneak through. With your finger, trace along the edge of the pane, and you should be able to tell whether it’s sealed or not. 
  • Use Incense: Not all leaks can be detected with the naked eye. You can often find less obvious leaks by using an incense test. After you’ve turned off any major appliances that produce combustion, turn on your exhaust vents to bring more air into the home. Finally, light some incense and hold it near your windows or doors. If there’s a leak, you’ll notice the smoke move toward it.

Whether you need a window replacement or a new door installation, JFK Window & Door will help you get rid of your air leaks before winter. To start a conversation about your needs, just call (513) 851-1000. Learn more about the window and door expert by visiting their website
