
Since winter is in full swing, you’ll depend on your furnace more than ever to keep your family comfortable and your home perfectly heated. When you notice a draft or the need to pile on layers to stay warm while inside, it may be time to investigate the condition of the furnace. If you’re lucky, it may be a simple fix that you can tackle on your own. To determine the situation, here are a few simple fixes to perform, approved by the gas furnace professionals at Duncklee Cooling & Heating, Inc. in Stonington, CT. 

4 Simple Furnace Fixes You Can Tackle

1.Check the Thermostat

FurnaceSometimes, furnace repair calls can be avoided by simply checking your programmable thermostat. Make sure it’s on the “heat” as opposed to “cool” setting. If it’s been awhile since you’ve replaced your thermostat’s batteries, swap them out. To test the furnace, turn the heat up a few degrees, and wait for the system to kick into gear. 

2. Change Filters

A dirty air filter can easily restrict airflow. As a result, it will take your system significantly longer to heat a room and it’ll require more energy. Replace the air filters every season to ensure proper flow and to avoid inhaling unnecessary dust and debris when you’re inside. 

3. Examine Air Ducts

If your furnace seems to turn on and you have fresh filters, you could have a leak in the air ducts. Evaluate your ducts, and if you identify any holes or gaps, call a furnace repair company to fix the problem. 

4. When in Doubt, Call an Expert

If any of the above doesn’t resolve the issue or you’re afraid to tamper with a delicate furnace, don’t hesitate to call the professionals. A trusted furnace repair company like Duncklee Cooling & Heating, Inc. can provide an estimate over the phone and can quickly get you on their calendar, so you don’t have to spend any down time in the freezing cold. 

For over 40 years, locals in the South Eastern, CT, and Western Rhode Island area have relied on Duncklee Cooling & Heating, Inc. for gas furnace repair and general HVAC services. If your heating system goes out on a cold winter day, call (860) 535-2552 to schedule an appointment. For more information about why these experienced technicians are known for reliable, quality work at fair prices, check out the website
