
Brushing your teeth three times a day will help keep cavities at bay, but watching what you eat will increase your likelihood of avoiding them altogether. Your diet is an important part of your overall health, and it has a direct effect on your oral health. The team at Riviera Dental Care in Foley, AL, can help you develop excellent oral hygiene habits. Below they explain how your diet affects your smile.

A Guide to Diet & Oral Health

Sugars & Carbohydrates

When you eat products containing sugar, you’re putting your teeth at risk. The bacteria found in your mouth use the sugars from food to produce acid. This leads to the de-mineralization of your teeth as the acid breaks down the enamel. Signs of decay may arise

Carbohydrates break down into sugars as well, which is why they cause the same problems. If you snack on chips and crackers frequently or drink soda or juice throughout the day, you increase your risk of tooth decay.


oral hygieneCalcium is an important mineral for oral hygiene, as it supports strong bones and teeth. It is especially important for young children who are still developing teeth and growing bones. Some adults do not get the recommended amount of calcium each day, which is why it’s a good idea to eat foods rich in this vital mineral. These include yogurt, milk, cheese, and green, leafy vegetables.


Sodium is found in a variety of foods, including chips, pretzels, and other salty snacks. Even though sodium doesn’t harm the enamel on your tooth, these foods can still put your oral health at risk. It damages your teeth in another indirect way because it causes you to excrete too much calcium in your urine, which is necessary for strong teeth.

Do you have questions about oral hygiene? Give the staff at Riviera Dental Care a call at (251) 943-3368. This family dentistry is dedicated to helping you achieve your healthiest and most beautiful smile with proper preventive care. They also offer cosmetic services, such as teeth whitening. Visit their website to learn more about oral health care and their offerings.
