
It’s easy to reward your pet with food and treats since it makes them happy. It’s not until you bring your cats and dogs to the veterinarian that you realize how much weight your pet has gained. The doctors at Vintage Park Vet Clinic in Sacramento, CA, know that by following a few simple rules, you can get your pet back in shape quickly. Here are a few tips to help your pet achieve their weight goal.

3 Tips to Prevent Pet Weight Gain

1. Feed Your Pet According to Their Ideal Weight

If you look at the labels on most dog and cat foods, you’ll see that the recommended amount to feed your pet is based on weight. Rather than feed your pet according to their current weight, many veterinarians recommend feeding them the amount suggested for their goal weight. This will reduce their daily calorie intake, and get them adjusted to eating less each day.

dog on scale with veterinarian2. Avoid High-Calorie Treats

Not all pet treats are healthy, and many are high in fat and calories. If you find that you hand your pet food too often, try cutting it back a bit and switching to healthier treats. Pet-safe fruits and vegetables such as string beans, broccoli, and apple slices can make healthy snacks for your pet. 

3. Don’t Fill Their Bowl Every Time It’s Empty

Some pet owners keep their dog or cat’s food bowl full at all times, assuming their pet will only eat when they're hungry. This is a sure step towards pet obesity. Instead, discuss with your veterinarian and create a feeding schedule.

If you’re having trouble getting your pet’s weight on track, speak to a veterinarian before it begins to affect their health. The animal experts at Vintage Park Vet Clinic are dedicated to ensuring Sacramento area pets live long, healthy lives. To learn more about the services they offer, take a look at their website or give them a call at (916) 688-5486 to make an appointment.  
