
The holidays are a time to come together with family and friends, and what better way to invite guests into your home than with a beaming, welcoming smile? The staff at Keen Dental Care in Columbia, MO, advises that there’s no better opportunity than now to schedule an appointment with a cosmetic dentist. There’s ample time to squeeze in a quick treatment, and you’ll also be taking full advantage of your dental insurance before the year runs out.

A cosmetic dentist can address everything from adding a little whiteness to completely replacing teeth. To get ready for the holidays, consider the following:

  • cosmetic dentist Teeth Whitening: If all your teeth are healthy and you just need a quick refresher, a professional teeth cleaning is the best and fastest way. You’ll notice an immediate difference, and it may only take one appointment with a cosmetic dentist to achieve the results you want. The procedure takes roughly an hour, making it easy and convenient among a busy holiday schedule.
  • Veneers: If you’re tired of whitening and want a truly long-term solution, veneers are the best option. By applying porcelain replicas to the surfaces of your teeth, a cosmetic dentist can completely revitalize your smile while also filling in small gaps. These can last up to 10 years when taken care of properly. Schedule your appointment now, though, as some time will be needed to craft the veneers.
  • Tooth Crowns: If you’re dealing with decay or a broken tooth, applying a crown is the quickest and most effective fix. By creating a “cover” that matches your bite patterns and fits snugly among other teeth, a cosmetic dentist can literally seal off the issues beneath, giving any damaged areas of your mouth a healthy, natural look.

If you’re ready to enhance your smile, turn to a cosmetic dentist at Keen Dental Care. They’re committed to helping patients achieve the smile they want and offer comprehensive services to accomplish these goals. Call (573) 875-5336 today to schedule an appointment before the holidays and visit their website and Facebook to learn more about their services.
