
Furnace problems are not uncommon. You may encounter them right before the onset of winter when you switch the heater on and discover that it’s not blowing warm air. Some problems can be resolved with a simple repair service. Other furnace issues, however, may call for a complete replacement of your unit. How can you tell which you should do? It depends on a few factors, which the specialists from Richmond Hill Air Conditioning in Georgia are here to share.

How to Tell When to Repair or Replace Your Furnace

Richmond Hills, GA furnaceIs the Unit Aging?

Furnaces lose their efficiency over time. The average lifespan is between 15 and 20 years, so units in older homes may especially be susceptible to problems. Heaters working harder than necessary is a common problem. If your electric bills have increased, it’s an indication that your unit is consuming too much energy. In this case, a replacement is the best option.

Does It Need Frequent Repairs?

How often are you calling your HVAC professionals for maintenance or repairs? Frequent calls add up, and those funds could easily go toward the purchase of a new furnace. You can do the math to determine whether it’s in your best interests to repair the unit. If you’re dealing with a chronic repair issue that never seems to be resolved, a replacement will be the more financially sensible solution.

Does It Pose Safety Concerns?

The most important factor to consider is your household’s safety. If the heat exchanger is damaged, for example, it could cause carbon monoxide to spill into the home. This is an invisible gas could threaten your family. In this case, a complete replacement is essential.

If your heater isn’t performing as it normally does, it may be time to schedule a maintenance appointment. A furnace expert will help you decide whether repair or replacement is the best option. Visit the Richmond Hill Air Conditioning website to learn more about their preventative maintenance and furnace repair services, or call (912) 756-228 to schedule an appointment.
