
The holiday season is upon us and you can bet there will be no shortage of parties and family gatherings. There’s sure to be lots of photos taken, and, chances are, some of those photos will be printed and placed into giant photo albums to be kept in the family for all time!  Make sure your smile is camera ready this holiday season, and let Dr. Joy Lunan show you how a brighter, healthier smile is only a visit away.

Thanks to the advances in technology and dentistry, you have a variety of options to help you create your perfect camera-ready smile. Here are some of them:

Whitening  Teeth whitening is an effective, affordable and safe procedure that improves your overall appearance and gives you a dazzling smile. Whether you’d like whiter teeth for your wedding day, a holiday get together or just because, teeth whitening is a great option. Dr. Joy Lunan uses Zoom! whitening products because it produces some of the best teeth whitening results for her patients. Dr. Lunan offers take home as well as in office whitening options for you to choose from. If the holiday treats and morning cups of coffee have left your smile with much to be desired, then talk with Dr. Lunan about teeth whitening today.

Veneers  Porcelain or ceramic veneers are thin, strong and mimic your tooth’s natural enamel. To restore your smile’s appearance veneers go on top of your teeth, yet are made to be strong and functional. Veneers are bonded to your teeth to give your smile the perfect color, brightness and functionality that becomes you. You may choose to consider veneers if you have fractured, gapped, misaligned or poorly shaped teeth. Even stained teeth could benefit from veneers. Veneers are a great option if you have a healthy mouth because they provide long lasting benefits and can be customized to your exact needs.

Bridges  Dental bridges can help if you have a missing tooth or even several teeth. Over time, the space left by your missing tooth will cause the other teeth to shift. This could result in an improper bite, loss of bone, or even crooked teeth. Bridges help to hold and cover the space between your missing teeth. They are affixed to your natural teeth and will help to hold the space, improve your appearance, and match the color of your other natural teeth.

Implants  No longer are dentures or partial dentures your only options for missing teeth. Dental implants effectively replace your missing teeth and even retain the bone structure in your jaw. Dental implants accurately replace your natural teeth and they never need to be replaced. A screw will be placed into your jaw to hold your missing tooth’s spot, and a crown will be attached at the end. Completely indistinguishable from your natural teeth, dental implants restore your smile’s beauty and functionality.

Routine Cleanings  You should be going to Dr. Lunan every six months for routine cleanings and exams, however, not everyone does this. Often, people don’t think they need to see us unless an emergency arises, even though not all problems cause symptoms. The best way to detect any issues before they become serious is to see Dr. Lunan routinely for care. Plus, you can get a deep-down professional cleaning that will leave your teeth fresh, healthy and free of plaque. Not even your at- home toothbrush can offer this!

Cosmetic dentistry offers you many options to restore your smile. Whether you have crooked or missing teeth, chipped or fractured teeth, or unsightly gaps or discoloration, cosmetic dentistry can help. Talk with Dr. Lunan to discover how cosmetic dentistry can improve your smile and quality of life! 

Whether you decide to treat yourself or a loved one to a camera ready smile, taking the next step is only a phone call away.  (203) 598-7920
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