
While you may not consider it until later in life, you should buy life insurance when you are young and healthy. This is because you have fewer risk factors and the yearly premiums are lower. However, it’s never too late to buy life insurance. Although it may cost you more in your sixties than it would have in your twenties, you’ll still find a policy that meets your needs. 

Why It's Never Too Late to Buy Life Insurance

You May Not Have Needed It Earlier

Young people are usually in good health and often have no debt, no spouse, no dependents, and may feel no urgent reason to get covered. This is one of the reasons insurers make it so financially attractive for them. However, just because your circumstances have changed, it doesn't mean it's too late to buy coverage. It likely won’t be as cheap, but you will certainly find an affordable option, whatever your budget or coverage needs. For instance, a whole life policy offers fixed premiums for life with an investment arm that lets you accumulate wealth for retirement.

Now You Have Dependents

Life insurance in Watertown, CTNow you have dependents and may regret not purchasing life insurance at an earlier age. Put those regrets aside, for now is the ideal time to buy term or whole life coverage. You have a better idea of how much insurance you need to support your family. You have financial goals, such as paying off a home loan or financing college for your kids.  At this stage, you know enough to design a custom insurance policy that fits your needs.

You Don’t Want to Burden Your Survivors

Even if you are single with no dependents in the house, it's still a good idea to purchase life insurance coverage tailored to your circumstances. You may be concerned about leaving the cost of burial and funeral services to your loved ones. If so, buy a policy that pays enough so your survivors aren't saddled with sudden expenses. It is a responsible and considerate act that shows how much you love them.


It's never too late to protect your loved ones financially after you’re no longer around. To learn more, contact Kalita Agency, the top life insurance agency in Watertown, CT. Visit their website to request an insurance quote or call (860) 274-8882 to speak with a friendly agent today. 
