
Many people aren’t aware that the work you did before you became disabled has an impact on whether you receive disability benefits. At David W. Kapor & Associates in Cincinnati, OH, dedicated and experienced disability lawyers educate their clients about the Veterans Administration (VA) and Social Security disability claim processes and the decision-making analyses. Here, one of the lawyers discusses why work history matters.

The Relationship Between Work History & Disability Benefits

Past Relevant Work

disability-benefits-Cincinnati-OHAccording to the Social Security Administration (SSA), past relevant work is something you did within the past 15 years that was substantial gainful activity and lasted long enough for you to learn to do it. To receive Social Security disability benefits, you must be completely disabled. When applicants can do any of their past work as people usually perform it or if, based on their previous work experience, age, and education, they can adjust to other jobs, the SSA typically denies their claims.

Work History

In evaluating work history for Social Security disability claims, the SSA considers several factors. They look at job skills; past use of machines or tools, such as computers or technical equipment; pay rate; and the number of hours worked per week. Physical and mental tasks performed and the level of responsibility also influence the evaluation.

Work History & VA Disability Benefits

Unlike the SSA, the VA pays claims for partial disabilities. Work history still matters in situations, such as determining the percentage of disability, eligibility for nonservice-connected pensions, and total disability based on individual unemployability benefits.

If you were denied VA or Social Security disability benefits, it’s possible to win your appeal with a lawyer’s help. Contact David W. Kapor & Associates in Cincinnati for an experienced disability lawyer to help you obtain the benefits you seek. Call (513) 721-2820 today to make a consultation appointment, or visit them online to learn about SSD claims for veterans.
