
Teeth extractions are procedures in which a dentist or oral surgeon removes a tooth from the root. While many adults undergo this procedure to remove their wisdom teeth or a damaged tooth, dental health professionals sometimes perform it to remove stubborn baby teeth or advanced cavities. Since extractions often result in swelling and tenderness, many children find brushing painful—but good oral hygiene habits are essential to the healing process.

How to Help Kids Brush After Teeth Extractions

1. Monitor Brushing

The inflammation caused by a tooth removal can last 2–5 days. During this time, oral surgeons advise patients to avoid brushing the affected area to prevent additional irritation. Show your child how to move their toothbrush around the surgical site and avoid the empty socket, and supervise them as they clean their teeth.

2. Be Patient

teeth extractions Anchorage AKBecause of the tenderness, many children brush more slowly after teeth extractions. This means they spend more time their oral care routine. It is important to remain calm and allow them to take their time, even if they need to leave for school. Attempting to rush them can result in injury and dissuade healthy brushing practices.

3. Create a Reward System

You can make your child more eager to brush by creating a reward system. Children benefit from encouragement and positive reinforcement, especially when it comes to completing unpleasant tasks. Using a sticker chart to mark every day they brush, and promising a trip or treat at the end of the week may be the push your child needs to continue brushing each day. Best of all, you can continue using this technique after the extraction site has healed to encourage good oral hygiene practices.


For more information on teeth extractions for kids and age-appropriate aftercare for oral surgery, contact Oral Surgery Associates of Alaska. Serving the Anchorage region, these oral surgeons specialize in a number of procedures including extractions, dental implants, and jaw surgery. To learn more about their services, visit them online, and call (907) 561-1430 to schedule an appointment.
