
Although it may seem inconvenient, pupil dilation is an important part of your routine eye exam. Not only does it allow your optician to properly assess your eye health, but also inspect for early signs of serious eye disorders and diseases, which could lead to vision loss when left untreated. If you’re still on the fence, the following entry from Show Low, AZ optician Dr. L R Gabe will help put things into perspective.

What Is Dilation?

Dilation assists your optician in diagnosing common eye conditions. Normally, pupils become smaller when exposed to light, limiting your doctor’s ability to assess your eye health. When the pupils are dilated, they widen, providing your optician with an unobstructed view of the retina, optic nerve, and macula.

Before the exam, your eye doctor will provide you with dilating eye drops to widen the pupil. Once your eyes have fully dilated, your doctor will perform a thorough examination using special lights and magnifying equipment.

What Conditions Can Be Diagnosed?

A thorough dilated eye exam can reveal various diseases and conditions, including:

  • Glaucoma: Dilation allows for maximum viewing of the optic nerve. This is essential in diagnosing various optic nerve diseases, including glaucoma.
  • eye careMacular Degeneration: Age-related macular degeneration and diabetic retinopathy are two of the most common retinal diseases. Dilation allows for the accurate monitoring of these conditions.
  • Other Conditions: Dilation allows your optician to inspect for signs of retinal tearing and ocular tumors. The exam can also reveal the presence of life-threatening disorders such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and multiple sclerosis.

If you’re due for an eye exam in the Show Low area, Dr. L R Gabe is the eye doctor to call. From vision examinations and specialty testing to eyeglass repair, Dr. Gabe has you covered for the personalized, professional, high-quality care you need to enjoy the quality of life you deserve. Emergency eye care appointments are available. Visit his eye care center online or call (928) 537-5565 to schedule an appointment.
