
As a homeowner, it can be confusing to know where to begin when your home is affected by a hurricane. That is why the staff at Walker Construction Company in Dothan, AL, wants to offer advice. According to their team, taking some essential steps and hiring a construction contractor can help to minimize damage and quickly start renovating, so your home is stable and restored.

3 Things to Do When Your Home Is Affected by a Hurricane

1. Remove Standing Water

Flooding is the major threat from a hurricane. Standing water can erode home foundations, cause extensive water damage, and give rise to mold. It may also contain pollutants. Before you do anything, safely remove all standing water from your property. This may require a construction contractor and special tools, but once it’s done, you can get down to repairing and rebuilding.

2. Remove Trash

construction contractorIt can be heartbreaking to throw out ruined possessions and any favorite contents of your home. However, when they’re damaged, they only become obstructions and possible health hazards if mold grows. Before you renovate, clear all trash and debris from the home. You’ll likely need a dumpster or disposal service, so reach out to construction specialists for these services.

3. Hire Construction Contractors

Once you’re ready to rebuild, a professional assessment of the property will be necessary. A construction contractor should look at your foundation, frame, and support systems to make sure they’re stable. If so, they can begin formulating a renovation plan to restore damaged areas. This is the perfect time to begin rethinking spaces and budgeting any money you’ve received from your home insurance provider.

If you need construction assistance following a hurricane, turn to the professionals at Walker Construction Company. They’re committed to helping families get back into their homes after catastrophes as soon as possible, and their team provides comprehensive renovation and remodeling services. Call (334) 790-2706 today to speak with their staff, and visit their website to learn more about their services.
