
Stomach pain is a common issue for people, one that can have a wide range of causes and symptoms. Accordingly, getting to the bottom of your abdominal pain is of the utmost importance to rule out any serious issues, and in Cincinnati, OH, John R. Loughrey will help you do exactly that. As a respected medical doctor, his office provides patients with the treatment and information necessary to lessen pain and discomfort, boosting overall health in the process.

Local Medical Doctor Highlights 3 Causes of Abdominal Pain

1. Menstrual Cramps

Cramping during menstruation is perhaps the most common cause of stomach pain. Cramps result from contractions, which in turn cause the uterine lining to be expelled. In many cases, cramping can be treated by over-the-counter medications and the application of heat to the affected area. More severe cramping that limits activity in women should be assessed by a medical doctor to ensure there aren’t other issues at play (such as pelvic inflammatory disease).

2. Indigestion

medical doctorIndigestion is a general term that refers to symptoms like bloating, nausea, stomach noises, a burning sensation, and gas. Indigestion has a range of causes and is typically linked to the foods you eat or the consumption of alcohol. Indigestion can even be caused by stress and anxiety, which highlights the importance of keeping your stress level to a minimum on a daily basis.

3. Digestive Disorder

There are a wide range of digestive disorders that can cause pain and discomfort, and many can have serious consequences if left untreated. For instance, Crohn’s disease entails chronic inflammation within the digestive tract that can result in severe pain and other serious symptoms. Continual stomach pain could also indicate ulcers, appendicitis, or even kidney disease. In this case, discussing your symptoms with a medical doctor is crucial.

As a leader in gastroenterology in Greater Cincinnati, John R. Loughrey will effectively diagnose digestive issues and offer solutions to bring about relief. Schedule your appointment today by calling (513) 681-8800. If you’d like more information on this trusted practice, visit their website.
