
Workers' compensation laws protect an employee's well-being while they’re on the job and outline the rights and responsibilities of the employer. However, there are some rules governing who is eligible to receive workers' compensation. The following guide outlines three critical pieces of information that will help you understand your rights to remuneration after a workplace accident.

What You Need to Know About Workers' Compensation

1. Only Employees Are Covered

An employee is generally considered to be one who is hired directly by an employer, works regular hours, and earns either an hourly or salaried wage. But not all workers are employees—independent contractors, day laborers, and occasional, part-time help are not eligible for this benefit in most states. 

2. Employers Must Provide Workers' Compensation

workers' compensation Groton CTExcept for Texas, all states have made workers' comp a mandatory part of owning and operating a business. If you are classified as an employee, then your employer must carry this type of insurance by law. However, this does not mean that you will be automatically approved for coverage if you are injured at work. It simply means your employer has an insurance policy, and a work injury claim must be submitted for review.

3. Employees of the Federal Government Aren't Covered Under State Laws

Those who work for the federal government are not covered by state workers' compensation laws. Instead, their rights to coverage are established at the federal level. Some workers, including railroad or maritime employees, have a different process for filing claims and can seek a different set of benefits. These exceptions are made because rail and sea work often involve unique environmental conditions and interstate travel, which can complicate jurisdiction.


If you are injured on the job and need to pursue a workers’ compensation case, then personal injury lawyer Mark O. Grater Attorney at Law in Groton, CT, will find the right legal solution. For more than 30 years, this experienced lawyer has been serving clients throughout the state, helping workers receive the financial resources they need to recover from an injury. Call (860) 449-8059 to schedule a consultation with a personal injury attorney, and visit the firm's website to learn more about their services. Like them on Facebook for additional tips.
