
Vision is one of the most important aspects of your child’s well-being, which is why protecting it should be a priority. The family eye care staff at Staarmann Family Vision Center in Fairfield, OH, advises that your child’s eyesight is constantly developing during their early years. It’s crucial to take steps to preserve it, as the increased use of screens and other issues can have negative long-term effects. Read on to learn several steps you can take to ensure your child’s vision remains healthy.

3 Tips to Preserve Your Child’s Vision

1. Optimize Their Diet

What your child eats plays a role in their eye health and its development. Sugary treats and junk foods bog down bodily functions and can also give rise to other health issues that affect vision. To combat this, make sure your child has a well-balanced diet. Omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin-rich vegetables, and antioxidants all have a positive effect on vision strength. A healthy diet will also ensure better overall health, which has life-long benefits.

2. Cut Down on TV & Computer Use

family eye careWhether it’s watching cartoons, playing video games, or surfing the web, you should monitor and limit how long your child spends in front of a screen. Schedule regular breaks, and set designated times for screen use throughout the day to protect their vision. This rule is beneficial for overall family eye care, so consider applying it to other members of your household, as well.

3. Visit the Optometrist

In too many cases, people forgo regular eye exams. These are extremely important, especially for your children, which is why you should schedule trips to the optometrist. Most suggest at least one exam per year. This will ensure your eye doctor addresses any vision issues your child may develop and provide early treatment.

To learn more about family eye care, turn to the staff at Staarmann Family Vision Center. They’re committed to ensuring patients maintain healthy vision and provide a variety of eye care services to help. Call (513) 874-1718 today to schedule an appointment for your child, and visit their website to learn more about their family eye care services.
