
Pressure washing is the ideal service for people who need to eliminate stubborn grime from their properties. This powerful technique has the ability to dislodge even the most difficult dirt. However, it’s best to work with a commercial pressure washing company instead of attempting to do it on your own. That’s because the practice can actually pose some safety risks. Here’s what you should know.

3 Reasons You Should Opt for Commercial Pressure Washing

1. Minimize Injury Risk

It may come as a surprise when you first take hold of a pressure washer. The unit is extremely strong, and if it’s not handled properly, it may even cause injury to the user. Pressure washing professionals know how to hold, maneuver, and position it to minimize the chances of getting hurt. The danger is largely due to the force of the spray, which, if directed at the skin by accident, can cause severe cuts or even punctures.

2. Minimize Property Damage

Pearl City, HI commercial pressure washingNaturally, anything that strong may also pose a threat to the property itself. While it’s invaluable for removing dirt and debris from buildings, it can be damaging if it isn’t handled correctly. Positioning the pressure washer too close to any surface, for example, may disturb the surface’s integrity. It can also destroy paint and even siding if it’s not properly held. Professionals will inspect your property beforehand to determine whether it’s safe to be pressure washed.

3. Minimize Dangerous Exposure

Commercial pressure washing companies employ potent chemicals to effectively clean those stubborn surfaces. If the skin is exposed to these solvents, it could turn into a serious infection that requires swift action. Another risk involved in using a pressure washing tool is electric shock. Experts understand the importance of delicately handling a machine that uses electricity to push water. If you do it yourself, you can’t guarantee you’ll handle it with the same deft.

If your property needs some extra attention, a pressure washing service could be the answer. Your local commercial power washing team will ensure your building is safely and properly cleaned.


Cornerstone Pressure Washing provides reliable commercial cleaning services in Pearl City, HI, and to the rest of Oahu. If your building needs a little TLC, get in touch to find out about the company’s commercial pressure washing services. Visit their website, or call (808) 722-6306 to speak with a friendly professional today.
