
Whether you live in Hawaii and want to brighten up your home with a few local accents or you’re just visiting the islands and want to bring a little piece of them back with you, tiki statues are the answer. These beautiful works of art are steeped in cultural significance because each one represents one of the ancient Hawaiian gods. The knowledgeable team at Hoku Traders of Hawaii, the leading Hawaiian themed gifts supplier in Honolulu, gives a brief introduction to some of them below. 

Tiki Representations of Ancient Hawaiian Gods


Kanaloa was the god of the ocean and is usually represented by an octopus or a squid. Ancient Hawaiian fishermen relied on Kanaloa to guide them when they were out on the water.

This god is also associated with the underworld because he became the first leader of the spirits who were rejected by the gods. He led these spirits in a rebellion against the gods. They were, of course, defeated, and the gods threw them in the underworld as punishment.


Hawaiian themed giftsKu was considered the god of war, and he is associated with virility. He was believed to be so powerful and victorious that Kamehameha I erected monuments to him at the royal center on the Big Island. The founder of the Kingdom of Hawaii believed statues of this deity would protect him.


As the creator and giver of life, Kane is considered the highest deity in Hawaiian mythology. He is often depicted with Kanaloa because they complement each other, with one representing life and the other, the underworld.

If you’re looking for authentic Hawaiian themed gifts, head to Hoku Traders of Hawaii. In addition to tiki statues, this wholesale gift distributor also carries musical instruments, sarongs, tropical apparel, natural wood products, and other souvenirs. Check out their website to browse their vast selection of tiki statues, or call (808) 597-1344 to learn more about their current inventory.
