
When it comes to completing a construction project, an experienced MEP engineer is essential. After all, without a solid mechanical, electrical, and plumbing system, your building will be little more than a shell. While finding an engineer is relatively simple, locating one that stands out from the crowd is not. Here are a few qualities that point to an excellent hiring choice.

5 Characteristics of a Quality MEP Engineer

1. Honesty

A hallmark of a great engineer is the willingness to give an honest opinion about a project’s integrity. Engineers are responsible for ensuring their buildings meet and exceed local regulations. If there’s a flaw or a problem with the design, you need to trust your engineer will say something, even if it might cost more to fix the problem. A great MEP engineering expert will call out areas of concern—even when you don’t want to hear them.

2. Resourcefulness

Every engineer needs to be a creative thinker, but the best ones make something work even if they don’t have the ideal resources. The more creative and resourceful your engineers are, the better off your project will be.

3. Top-Tier Communication Skills

Your engineering team needs to be great at communicating with you about the status of the project, as well as voicing concerns and solutions to the entire team. The more successful they are at communicating, the less work you’ll have down the line.

4. Punctuality

You wouldn’t want a member of your staff to show up late to their shift, and your engineer should be no different. An excellent MEP engineer will always be on time or early to their scheduled shifts or appointments. This allows them to stay on top of the job and keep up with changes that might have occurred the previous day.

5. Cooperative Nature

An arrogant engineer is never a good one, and those that feel the need to do everything themselves are the last people you should rely on. Leading engineers will work willingly with your entire team, from the construction crew to the CEO. For them, job titles are the least of their worries. They’re more concerned with getting the project completed safely and ensuring the building lasts for years to come.


Whether you’re looking for an experienced structural engineer to handle your upcoming project or a plumbing engineer to oversee installation at your business, the right hiring choice can make all the difference. Let the MEP engineering team at Jackola Engineering & Architecture in Vancouver, WA, help you get your project completed safely. Learn more online and call (360) 852-8746 to speak with a member of their team.
