
Clean and functional refrigerators and freezers are essential to the success of your restaurant; they keep your food chilled and germ-free. Though often overlooked, ice machines require the same diligence as other commercial refrigeration systems. The experts at Ron Hammes Refrigeration in La Crosse, WI, suggest some easy tips for keeping your ice machine clean. Encourage your kitchen staff to use these tips to keep your customers safe from germs.

How To Keep Your Commercial Ice Machine Clean

Don’t Touch the Ice

commercial refrigerationHealth inspectors are vigilant for very good reasons. You can’t touch your ice if you want to keep it clean. Instead, you should always use a scoop to avoid contact with the ice itself. Keep the scoop outside of the ice bin when you’re not using it to prevent accidental touching when grabbing for the handle. Store it on an easily accessible plastic or fiberglass tray in between uses.

Keep it Closed

Unless you are actively removing ice from your commercial refrigeration unit, keep the door closed. This limits its exposure to contaminants. You should also schedule inspections with a commercial HVAC repair crew to ensure it’s always working as it should be. Professionals will utilize appropriate cleaners that will sanitize the unit without adding dangerous contaminants like bleach.

Check for Contaminants

Every time you remove ice from the unit, inspect the top layers for any signs of impurities. If you notice any visible dirt, grit, or other signs of a malfunctioning system, dispose of your ice and have an HVAC repair team inspect the unit before using it again. 

If you need HVAC pros to check your ice machine or other commercial refrigeration units, get in touch with Ron Hammes Refrigeration in La Crosse, WI. Whether you need a repair or a new system, their team will be happy to help. Contact them online, or call (608) 788-3110.
