
Toothaches and gum disease aren’t the only reasons to seek treatment from a dentist. A cosmetic dentist also specializes in perfecting the appearance of your smile. They have many different tools and procedures at their disposal, ranging from simple teeth whitening to inserting implants. If you’re not happy with your teeth, ask about the following treatments. 

What Your Cosmetic Dentist Can Do for You

1. Teeth Whitening

You can stain your teeth by consuming certain foods and drinks, including berries and soda. Fortunately, your natural tooth color can be restored through an in-office teeth whitening treatment. It’s wise to schedule a cleaning first to remove any plaque and tartar first, as this will ensure optimal results. 

2. Dental Veneers

cosmetic dentistCrooked, cracked, or damaged teeth can be unsightly, but there is a solution without orthodontics or other time-intensive treatments: Veneers can be applied to the front of your teeth. These are thin ceramic shells that resemble your natural teeth. They are attached with an adhesive and can even cover noticeable gaps. 

3. Dental Implants

Losing a tooth hinders your ability to chew properly. You may even feel self-conscious about the gap when you smile or talk. Your cosmetic dentist can restore your smile by inserting a titanium implant and placing a crown on top of it. These can also be used as a placeholder for bridges and dentures, offering stability.


Are you looking for a cosmetic dentist to improve your smile? Give the staff at High Point Smile Dentistry a call at (336) 884-4000. They offer comprehensive dental treatments to their patients in North Carolina. Your dental health is important to them, which is why they take the time to create a thorough treatment plan for you. Take the following analysis on their website to determine areas of concern you have with your teeth. 
