
Suffering an injury while playing sports does not have to result in long-term pain and limited mobility. Physical therapy can help you get back on your feet quickly so that you can keep doing the activities you love. Source Therapy in Gig Harbor, Washington, provides clients with quality sports medicine rehabilitation to aid in recovery. Below, they explain some of the most common types of activity-related injuries and treatment methods.

4 Common Sports Injuries

1. ACL Tear

The knees are among the most vulnerable and commonly injured joints in the human skeletal system.  A torn ACL, or anterior cruciate ligament, can cause severe pain and inability to walk. Although surgery is required for complete tears, a slight strain can be treated with physical therapy. Recovering from an ACL tear requires months of special exercises and modified activity, but under the guidance of a qualified practitioner, full recovery is possible. 

2. Ankle Sprain

Anyone who is physically active has likely experienced the sensation of twisting your ankle during movement. Minor injuries are often remedied with ice and elevation, but more serious sprains may be healed with the help of physical therapy. By stabilizing the ankle, resting the muscles, and gradually introducing gentle stretches, you’ll be able to recover within a few weeks.

3. Tennis Elbow

Physical-Therapy-Gig-Harbor-WashingtonRepeated impact to the arm, sustained while playing sports like tennis and golf will gradually cause an injury known as tennis elbow. An inflammation of the tendons causes pain, in some cases extreme, and usually requires that the patient cease activity until fully recovered. Engaging in therapeutic stretching exercises may be a proactive way to avoid tennis elbow.

4. Sciatica

Sciatica is an extremely common malady that results in back, hip, or leg pain. An irritation of the sciatic nerve, caused by compression or inflammation, can create feelings of numbness or tingling. To help you heal from sciatica, a therapist will first identify the cause of the irritation and then teach you new ways of sitting, standing, or playing sports that will prevent future injury.

While sports injuries are painful and inconvenient, they don’t have to result in endless suffering. Physical therapy is a trusted healing modality that will help you recover as quickly as possible. Source Therapy in Gig Harbor, Washington, provides excellent sports medicine rehabilitation and orthopedic care to their clients. To learn more about their services, call (253) 857-4870 or visit them online.
