
That much-needed vacation is right around the corner. Before you leave, however, you should spend some time strengthening your home’s defenses against water damage. Failing to perform a few simple tasks could lead to a disastrous end to your trip. Not only will you have damage to your home, but you could also be facing some costly deep well repairs. The well installation experts at King’s Pump and Technical Service in Glennville, GA, discuss some ways to keep your home free of water damage while you are away.

Avoid Deep Well Repairs: Strategies to Protect Your Home From Water Damage

1. Shut Off the Water Main

It’s essential to limit the water coming into your home in the first place. You can achieve this by shutting off the main water supply valve. Another option is to turn off the individual valves that supply water to each area of the house. That way, you can minimize any damage by containing it in one area of the home.

2. Tend to the Sump Pump

Turn off the power to your well. This will prevent a power outage from causing the pump to fail or reset itself while you are away. You could also invest in a water alarm that can alert you via text message if there is a problem. Deep well repair experts say there are even water flow monitors you can install that will shut off water to the home if they sense a problem.

3. Check the Appliances

Before leaving, do a double check of appliances that rely heavily on water, namely, the dishwasher, washing machine, ice maker, and refrigerator. Make sure all hoses are secure and there are no leaks. You might even consider turning off these appliances entirely.

4. Clean the Gutters

Deep Well RepairDon’t forget about your gutters! Make sure your downspout properly drains water away from your home; you could even consider purchasing an extension. And since gutters overflowing with leaves and debris are unable to properly direct water away from the house, make sure you clean them before you go. 

5. Insulate the Pipes

If you’re going away in the winter, take the time to insulate any exposed pipes. This will help prevent them from freezing if the temperature drops too low. Check for pipes in your crawlspace, basement, and near the water heater; these are all more likely to freeze.

Deep well repairs can be costly, especially when they are preventable. Don’t let water damage spoil a great vacation. Contact the experts at King’s Pump and Technical Service to help you keep your home safe from water damage. Call them at (912) 654-0149, or visit them online to learn more about their services.
