
Most people who are conscientious about their health make it a point to visit their dentist every six months and their primary care provider at least once a year. You might take a proactive approach to your own health, too, but be honest: When was the last time you arranged hearing tests for you and your family? October was National Audiology Awareness Month, which is a campaign that aims to spread the word regarding the importance of protecting your hearing. If you can’t remember the last time you had a hearing test, use this as a reminder to schedule one now.

Why Do We Need a National Audiology Awareness Month?

The Importance of Annual Hearing Tests

Most people take their hearing for granted, which means they are unlikely to see an ear, nose, and throat doctor unless something is wrong. If you develop any kind of health condition, though, it is always better to identify and begin treating it before you actually experience any symptoms. In fact, for many diseases, early detection is essential for a positive prognosis. Thus, even if you feel fine, it is worth scheduling annual hearing tests.

If you think arranging a hearing test once a year is too frequent, consider the fact that most age-related hearing loss is gradual. Thus, even if you do not notice any major changes from year to year, there is a chance that your hearing did, in fact, decline since your last appointment.

Signs of Hearing Loss

audiologyNational Audiology Awareness Month aims to educate people on the importance of preventative ear car; however, it is also essential that you know the signs that something may be wrong so you can seek treatment as soon as possible. Signs of hearing loss might include difficulty hearing people over the phone, straining to catch everything at work meetings, and hearing muffled sounds or voices.


Don’t let aging or illness take from you the joy of hearing your loved ones’ laughter. If you want to schedule a hearing evaluation, turn to Glacier Ear Nose & Throat Head & Neck Surgery in Kalispell, MT. Their compassionate team has helped patients in the area for more than three decades. Visit their website to learn more about the hearing aid services they provide, or call (406) 752-8330 to make an appointment with an audiology specialist today.
