
Many people who undergo acupuncture pursue the treatment with the goal of addressing a specific condition. This therapy is often used to treat health concerns like allergies, asthma, migraines, depression, and hypertension, especially when people attend regular sessions. However, acupuncture is also an ideal treatment for people looking to improve their overall health and wellness. 

How Acupuncture Provides Health Benefits

Restores Balance

acupuncture Nyack NYThe primary purpose of acupuncture is to restore the body’s natural balance. Once this has been achieved by promoting the flow of energy, all the organ systems function more efficiently.

During each acupuncture session, the practitioner inserts needles at strategic points on the body to release blocked energy. This treatment can restore a range of biological functions from digestion and hormone production to circulation and immunity. As a result, people experience less pain and discomfort throughout the day.

Relieves Pressure

In ancient Chinese medicine, acupuncture was believed to affect the flow of qi, or energy, throughout the body. Today, practitioners find that inserting needles at various acupressure points can relieve discomfort and improve circulation, which promotes the body’s natural healing processes. Acupuncture encourages the body to produce feel-good hormones that help you relax and even helps the brain turn off pain signals, so you don’t have to take medication to find relief. It is believed that this treatment functions like electrical stimulation to jump-start cell production and redirect pain signals.


If you are interested in trying acupuncture to alleviate a specific condition or improve your overall health and wellness, then turn to Marie A. Gonzales, L. Ac. in Nyack, NY. She has been helping clients find relief from everyday aches and pains and chronic conditions for over 20 years. You can learn more about the acupuncture treatments she provides by visiting her website. To make an appointment, call (845) 398-1312. 
