
Early education offers young children many benefits. From increasing cognitive function to improving social behaviors, parents often notice a significant difference in their child’s growth when enrolled in these educational programs. One such important benefit is self-regulation. Below is an explanation of this concept and what it means for your child.

A Guide to Early Education & Self-Regulation

What Is Self-Regulation?

This term is also known as self-control or self-direction, and it involves a child’s ability to control their emotions, interact positively with others, and become an independent learner. In other words, it helps children learn to appropriately respond to their environment.

First, the child evaluates their environment based on what they see, hear, taste, or smell. They must then compare this information to what they already know and use self-regulation to communicate an appropriate response. As a skill that involves different areas of development, it is not isolated from cognitive or emotional growth but rather intertwined with these concepts.

What Can Early Education Do for Your Young Children?

early educationSelf-regulation skills start as soon as infancy and develop gradually over time. And early education can be particularly beneficial for children, as their teachers play an essential role in supporting the development of these skills. For instance, a trained educational professional can identify a child’s skill level and plan modeling, hints, and cues needed to help continue their development.

Additionally, educators can withdraw unnecessary support as children demonstrate new skills while still monitoring them to ensure success and boost confidence. These educators help children improve everyday experiences, become actively engaged learners, and lay the foundation for lifetime success.


If you’re interested in early education programs for your children, look no further than Over The Rainbow Kids Place in West Henrietta, NY. As Monroe County’s leading childhood development program and daycare, these experts offer the family-friendly, individualized care you seek. If you have any questions, reach out to a trusted team member by calling (585) 334-2530. You can also find more information online.