
Dry mouth is a common occurrence for many Americans that visit the dentist each year. This symptom can present itself as a sticky feeling in the mouth, difficulty swallowing, bad breath, cracked lips, or a dry tongue. The causes of this condition vary among individuals. Read on for three reasons you may be experiencing dry mouth and the best treatment option for effective relief.

3 Common Causes of Dry Mouth

1. Medical Conditions

Certain medical conditions result in dry mouth for the patient. For example, some immune disorders cause the body to attack moisture glands and lessen saliva production. Parkinson’s disease patients, on the other hand, may experience dry mouth because of constant swallowing. Doctors can prescribe a variety of medications to stimulate saliva production and alleviate dry mouth in addition to sipping water throughout the day. 

2. Dehydration

dentistDry mouth is a common symptom of dehydration. You may not be drinking enough water during the day or a recent sickness may have caused you to lose an unusually large amount of fluids. The best treatment for this cause of dry mouth is to increase your daily water intake. The typical rule of thumb is eight glasses a day, but you should check with your health care provider regarding your specific needs.

3. Medications

Dry mouth is a side effect of countless prescription and over-the-counter (OTC) medications; for example, SSRIs and many other antidepressants affect saliva production. Your health care provider may be able to alter your treatment to reduce the intensity of the side effect. You may also benefit from added medications that trigger production. Also, some kinds of toothpaste and mouthwash are specialized to moisturize your mouth.


Anchorage Dental Center, a dental clinic in Alaska has been providing exceptional dental care to the community since 1964. This family dentist is happy to treat patients of all ages in their convenient local office. Call (907) 278-2521 to reach head dentist Dr. James Driskell and his staff or visit their website for more information. 
