
Fall is hurricane season in areas throughout the Central Pacific region. This means heavy rainfall and extreme winds can cause major property damage to homes in Hawaii. If you’re worried about windows breaking, the professionals at Screen Products in Kapolei have useful advice to safeguard windows from treacherous weather.

Below, Hawaii’s aluminum and vinyl windows specialists share three tips to protect windows during hurricanes:

  • Invest in Hurricane Film: In areas like Hawaii that are prone to tropical storms, it might be best to keep windows covered year-round. For an added level of protection, invest in hurricane film. The durable membrane protects glass from the elements while retaining window functionality. The clear plastic film will also keep the inside of your space intact, as the coating reflects UV rays that could damage property interiors. As the film doesn’t stop glass from breaking, reinforce windows with additional covers before bad weather arrives. 
  • Install High-Impact Glass: Poorly insulated windows don’t only lead to higher heating and cooling costs. The weak glass is also more susceptible to damage under hurricane conditions. So windows can weather the storm, install high-impact glass. For better resistance, it features a plastic film sandwiched between panes of tempered glass.
  • Kapolei-Hawaii-windowsConsider Storm Shutters: If you want to protect windows from hurricanes while adding to the aesthetic appeal of your space, install storm shudders. The permanent installations come in various colors, textures, and materials, making it easy to find a suitable style. To protect the windows, close the fixtures before hurricanes.

For durable replacement windows to withstand Hawaii’s hurricanes, reach out to Screen Products for assistance. With an extensive inventory of high-quality aluminum and vinyl products, you are bound to find the right solution for your needs. To schedule a consultation, call (808) 676-6426 today. A knowledgeable representative is happy to fill you in on useful window facts to help with decision-making. For additional advice, like the company on Facebook, and visit their website to learn more about products.
