
Warts are small growths that can appear anywhere on the body and are typically caused by the HPV virus that enters through an area of broken skin. While warts aren’t usually painful, they can be itchy and unpleasant. The dermatologists at Heibel Dermatology, the leading clinic in Lincoln, NE, are here to discuss a few of the various types of warts and how they are treated.

Common Warts

These are characterized by their rough and grainy appearance. They usually grow on the fingers and toes, but they can also appear anywhere on the body. Your dermatologist may treat this with liquid nitrogen, which freezes the wart. For complete removal, the treatment may need to be repeated every couple of weeks, or at least two or three appointments.

Plantar Warts

dermatologistIf you notice a hole in your foot surrounded by tough skin, this is a sign of a plantar wart. They appear on the soles of feet and can impact the way you walk. Your dermatologist may recommend salicylic acid to treat it; you will need to apply it to the infected area every day for a few weeks until the wart is gone.

Flat Warts

These are small and typically appear on the face, thighs, and arms. They can be pink or brown and have a flat surface. Laser treatment is an effective method for removing them.

If you have a wart that you need removed, turn to Heibel Dermatology in Lincoln, NE, for top-quality treatment. The dedicated team of dermatologists offers a comprehensive selection of services, from skin cancer treatment to photo facials. Contact them today at (402) 488-6969 to schedule an appointment. You can also visit their website for more information about their full list of services. 
