
While the thought of your pet going into surgery can be nerve-racking, it’s essential to prepare them for the procedure. The staff at Vintage Park Vet Clinic in Sacramento, CA, advise that preparing your pet has a significant impact on the surgery. Your veterinarian will share these requirements before the surgery date, and it’s your responsibility to handle preparations to ensure the best outcome.

3 Things to Do Before Your Pet’s Surgery

1. Bathe

veterinarian-vintage-park-vet-clinicSending your pet into the operating room with a dirty coat poses a health risk. During an operation, open wounds are susceptible to infection. While your veterinarian and surgical team will take the time to clean and sterilize your pet, this delays the procedure, which can be problematic if the surgery is urgent. A few days before the surgery, give your pet a thorough bath and grooming. This will ensure there won’t be any hygienic complications.

2. Don’t Feed the Morning of Surgery

Unless instructed otherwise by your veterinarian, it’s imperative that your pet enters the operating room on an empty stomach. When they’re anesthetized, they become unable to swallow. If they vomit during the procedure, they can choke on or inhale the vomit, leading to pneumonia. Their last meal should be before 10:00 PM the night before, and they shouldn’t have any water after sunrise.

3. Use the Bathroom

Before heading to the veterinarian, take your pet on a final bathroom walk. This will ensure they’re comfortable during the procedure and that they don’t immediately need to go afterward. If they fail to go in the morning, let your veterinarian know so they can handle it before they begin.

Taking the right steps will help a successful surgery. If you’re in need of reliable veterinary services, turn to the staff at Vintage Park Vet Clinic. They offer comprehensive pet surgery services, and a veterinarian will make sure your pet is in prime health. Call (916) 688-5486 today to schedule an appointment and visit their website to learn about their pet dentistry services.
