
When you hear the words “septic tank maintenance,” grease trap cleaning probably isn’t the first thing that comes to mind. But an uncleaned trap poses a danger for your entire septic system, so maintenance is necessary to keep your property safe. Here are some key procedures to follow, as outlined by local septic experts.

The Dos & Don’ts of Grease Trap Cleaning


  • Properly Dispose of Food: Solids of any kind can clog your drain, making their way through the pipes until they reach your septic system. While you might assume that washing leftovers away is no big deal, that simple mistake will negatively impact your system over time, resulting in costly repairs and septic tank pumping. Wipe solids off your dishes before washing, and this won’t be a worry. 
  • grease trap cleaningLet Grease Harden: Whether you rely on fast food or are a stay-at-home chef, you should always dispose of grease appropriately. If you frequently cook with fats, oils, or grease (FOG), use a separate container to let them harden afterward, then scrape these substances out of the container and discard in the trash. For an effective grease trap cleaning, wait until all FOG is sufficiently eliminated, then carefully clean the container to avoid additional buildup. 


  • Pour FOG Down the Sink: All cooking greases, oils, and fats should be disposed of properly—in the garbage, away from the drain or pipes. If you want to avoid costly septic system repairs, avoid washing away any FOG down the drain. Your grease trap exists for a reason, so make good use of it. 
  • Put Off Grease Trap Cleaning: FOG is never fun to deal with, but eventually, it’s bound to build up. Even with routine, everyday cleaning, FOG will collect in your grease trap, and it needs to be thoroughly eliminated before it can start causing issues. There’s no point of having a grease trap if it doesn’t work, so cleaning should be a prime priority.


Whether you need grease trap cleaning or septic tank pumping, Seminole, AL’s Baldwin Septic Tanks is a service that you can rely on. Every septic system has occasional issues, but with the help of this highly trained team, yours will stay in prime condition. Offering 24/7 installation, inspections, and repair, these experts are available whenever you need them. Visit the website for more information, or call (251) 946-3250 to request your free estimate today!
