
Bringing a new pet home is an exciting experience for a family, but soon enough, you’ll have to decide whether or not to spay or neuter them. While puppies or kittens sound great, there are numerous reasons you should consider seeking a reputable veterinarian from Kapolei Pet Hospital in Honolulu County, HI, for spaying and neutering services.

Here are three advantages of spaying or neutering your pet:

Help Your Pets Live Longer, Healthier Lives

According to the ASPCA, spaying your female pet will help prevent uterine infections and breast tumors, which are found to be cancerous in roughly 50% of dogs and 90% of cats. Meanwhile, neutering male pets help prevent testicular cancer and some prostate problems.

Have Better Behaved Pets

oahu spaying and neuteringDogs and cats in heat like to pee on everything. Neutering your males will make them less likely to mark their territory around your house, and you won’t have to worry about a spayed female going into heat and doing the same. By spaying and neutering, you won’t have to deal with these smelly behaviors that go along with searching for a mate. Plus, your male will be less likely to mount other animals or people, and they should be less aggressive.

Prevent Overpopulation

By spaying or neutering your pet, you’re also helping to prevent the overpopulation of dogs and cats from getting even worse. Millions of pets are euthanized each year because there aren’t enough homes for all the stray dogs and cats out there. By having your veterinarian spay or neuter your pet, you’re doing your part not to add to the problem.

These are just a few of the many reasons to spay or neuter your pets. Look to Kapolei Pet Hospital, located on the west side of Oahu, for your spaying and neutering needs. Oahu’s premier pet clinic offers reliable and affordable pet care. Visit them online or call (808) 462-8040 to schedule an appointment.
