
Fridge breakdowns can be costly and cause damage to your home if water is involved. Many people mistake unusual noises or small leaks as harmless signs of age. However, the staff at Kauai Air Conditioning & Refrigeration in Kapaa, HI advise that these are telltale signs that you need repair services. When unaddressed, basic issues can turn into problems that require complete replacement, so read on for indicators that you should call a refrigeration contractor.

3 Signs You Need a Fridge Repair

fridge-kauai-air-conditioning-and-refrigeration1. Whirring Noises

Any unusual noises coming from your fridge likely signify that the compressor isn’t working well. If it breaks down, the cost of replacement often outweighs the price of a new refrigerator. If you’re concerned about what you’re hearing, unplug the unit and listen to it wind down. Any grinding or loud clanking deserves a look from a professional.

2. Condensation

Water should never leak in your fridge, so if you notice condensation on the interior or any puddles, it’s an immediate sign of trouble. These occur when your fridge isn’t cooling properly and can happen for two reasons: poor sealing and clogged drainage. If your system isn’t draining correctly, liquid will pool inside the unit. If you suspect it’s a cooling issue, check the rubber sealant around the doors. If it’s loose or there is mildew, it’s not creating a proper seal.

3. Overheating

If you’re concerned about any noises your fridge is making, test the back for warm spots. The motor may be overheating for several reasons. If the motor continues to overwork, you risk a complete breakdown.The only way to discover the issue is to have a refrigeration contractor investigate. Early detection will save time and money, so don’t hesitate to call a professional.

If your refrigerator needs servicing, turn to the staff at Kauai Air Conditioning & Refrigeration. They offer comprehensive fridge and air conditioning maintenance and will ensure that your appliances are functioning efficiently and properly. Call (808) 822-2770 today to speak with their staff and connect with them on Facebook to learn more about their services.
