
Although you’ve probably seen hypnotherapy performed in a plethora of TV shows, it is not the mystical practice it is often made out to be. While the mechanics are not entirely clear, most scientists believe hypnosis is just a way to access the subconscious mind to alter its perceptions. Once you have made the decision to kick a bad habit, hypnosis can be used to tap into your subconscious mind and make suggestions that your conscious self can then hold onto. Below are some common problems people have found relief from by visiting a hypnotherapist.

3 Ways Hypnosis Can Be Implemented

1. To Lose Weight

When used as part of an overall weight loss plan, hypnotherapy has actually been proven to help shed pounds. The hypnotherapist will typically use a combination of verbal repetition and mental images to help the individual change behaviors that might be blocking them from reaching their goal weight.

2. To Quit Smoking

If you’ve struggled with quitting smoking in the past, and none of the traditional routes like nicotine patches and gum have worked, don’t give up. Many people first become believers in the effects of hypnotherapy because it helped them permanently kick this harmful habit. A common method applied here is to have the individual picture their future and the detrimental effects smoking has taken on it. The hypnotherapist then implants affirmations about needing the body to live and how to respect it.

3. To Stop Nail Biting

hypnosis cincinnati ohFor many, nail biting is an embarrassing habit they’ve been doing for the majority of their lives. While in the relaxed, super-suggestible state, the hypnotherapist begins breaking the need for the person to put their nails in their mouth by building up their willpower and confidence. They then work to break the connection in the mind that tells it the habit is somehow pleasurable. Once the person is able to visualize the act as something separate, they start to develop different feelings about it.


When you need help breaking these or other habits that might be negatively affecting your health or life, contact Margaret at Hypnotic Solutions. She has been providing hypnosis services to Cincinnati, OH, and surrounding areas since 2002. For more information about hypnotherapy and her other services, call her office at (513) 205-5669, today or visit her website. You can also visit her Yelp profile to learn how she has helped others overcome difficult problems.
