
As colder weather approaches, it’s important to make sure that your home is prepared to handle the dramatic change in temperature. That begins with the heating system, which plays a powerful role in your comfort throughout the season. The HVAC contractors at Denning Sheet Metal have some helpful suggestions to prepare your furnace for winter in Columbia Falls, MT.

HVAC Contractors Share Tips on Preparing Your Furnace for Winter

1. Check the Filter

HVAC contractorsThe air filter in your furnace can quickly get clogged with dust and debris when the heater is turned on. It’s important to change it at least once every month to allow your heating system to work at its peak capacity. A dirty filter forces the unit to work harder to heat your home, which could also result in elevated energy bills.

2. Clear the Space

What is the condition of the area around your furnace? Make an effort to keep it clean during the season. By reducing dust, you’ll help keep the filter clean. Access to the furnace shouldn’t be restricted; it’s best to leave plenty of clearance around the unit.

3. Clean the Vents

When was the last time you inspected the air vents? If they haven’t received any attention, it’s a good idea to take a look before winter arrives. Clean the air registers with a vacuum attachment to eliminate dust and prevent it from contaminating air inside your home.

4. Schedule Maintenance

Regular maintenance is critical to your heating and cooling system. It’s especially important to call an HVAC contractor prior to turning the heater on for the season. An HVAC maintenance professional will inspect the furnace to ensure it’s in good condition, replace the filter, and check that it’s not leaking or producing harmful gases.

5. Program Your Thermostat

You might also want to learn about installing a programmable thermostat if you don’t already have one. This is a useful feature if you want to save money. By reducing the temperature when you aren’t home, you can reduce your energy bills significantly.

This winter, be prepared. Before you turn up the temperature on the thermostat, get in touch with the HVAC contractors at Denning Sheet Metal. They’ll help ensure that your unit is safe to use. Visit their website to learn more about their HVAC services, or call (406) 892-0111 for a free quote.
