
While you might not initially think metal has much of a role to play in concrete construction, rebar is essential for the safety and stability of many structures. It is typically fabricated using a mixture of several different steel alloys and grades. Manufacturers create ridged bars to ensure the concrete used during construction will stick to the metal. Rebar is typically set in place before the concrete is even poured and has been used in everything from driveways to buildings.

rebarBut why use rebar in the first place? The most important benefit is it adds much-needed strength to the concrete. Concrete is naturally brittle, which can cause it to fail when exposed to too much tension. Rebar helps alleviate any stress the structure is subjected to, absorbing the tension and ensuring it is evenly distributed. This significantly reduces the risk of the concrete cracking or breaking, even as it expands or contracts when exposed to extreme temperatures.  

Thanks to the extra strength and stability provided by the rebar, thinner concrete slabs can be used during construction. This, in turn, speeds up the construction process, reduces costs, and improves the surface’s appearance. By using rebar, concrete structures not only look and perform better — they also have added strength that will allow them to last even longer.


When you’re planning a concrete construction project, go to a rebar mill to make sure you get the job done right. As the Greater Cincinnati area’s only commercial producer of axle-grade rebar, turn to Byer Steel for strong, dependable products. Since 1991, they’ve helped contractors throughout the Tri-State construct long-lasting, reliable structures. To learn more about their rebar fabrication services, visit them online or call (513) 821-6400.
