
When it comes to daily dental hygiene practices, brushing and flossing are the biggest priorities. But by adding a 30-second mouthwash rinse to your routine, you can kill dangerous oral bacteria and refresh your breath at the same time. Before you go out to buy a bottle, Oahu Dental Care reminds patients that not every type of product is the same. To help you choose the best kind for you, this Pearl City, HI, dentist highlights five common types of mouthwash and the benefits they offer.  

5 Kinds of Mouthwash Your Dentist May Recommend

1. Antiseptic

The most common forms of mouthwash are those that offer antiseptic properties. These products contain an antiseptic known as chlorhexidine gluconate, as well as alcohol, in order to kill bacteria in the mouth and prevent infection. Some “total care” products may also include ingredients that help prevent gum disease.

If you aren’t comfortable with alcohol-based mouthwashes, there are several alcohol-free antiseptic mouthwashes on the market. These offer the same germ-killing, mouth-freshening benefits, but instead rely on a safe and effective component known as cetylpyridinium chloride to do the work.   

2. Fluoride

Fluoride rinses are designed to help strengthen teeth and prevent tooth decay. However, you may not really need this kind of mouthwash, since the active ingredient—sodium fluoride—is found in most toothpaste products and municipal water supplies.

3. Cosmetic     

dentistCosmetic mouthwashes are those that work to refresh breath, but usually don’t contain any antiseptic ingredients to protect your teeth. Some products also offer teeth whitening that can offer minimal enhancement over time.

4. Magic     

If you suffer from mouth sores as a result of medical treatments, your dentist may recommend a specialized rinse that is commonly referred to as a “magic mouthwash.” Ingredients may include antifungal, antibiotic, anesthetic, and antacid ingredients to help strengthen oral tissues, relieve pain, and reduce inflammation.

5. Natural   

Natural mouthwashes rely on herbal compounds rather than chemicals to help reduce bacteria and sterilize the mouth. In addition to regular use, these rinses can help patients keep their mouths clean after oral surgery procedures, such as tooth extractions.

If you’re still not sure which mouthwash is best for you, the specialists at Oahu Dental Care can offer expert guidance. During your next dental exam, this team will review all areas of your oral hygiene practices and discuss solutions that are specific to your needs. More information about their comprehensive services is available online. To schedule an appointment, call (808) 732-2821 to reach their Honolulu office or (808) 456-5005 to speak to a team member at the Pearl City, HI, clinic.
