
When you brush, floss, and visit the dentist, you may be helping more than just your oral health. In recent years, numerous studies have demonstrated a strong link between periodontal health and general health. To ensure the local Rochester, NY, community remain healthy, the caring team at Drs Emery & Scuro DMD, PC​, want to spread the word about how your oral well-being impacts the rest of your body.

Understanding the Link Between Periodontics & Overall Health

What Is Periodontal Disease?

Millions of Americans have periodontal disease, which is an advanced stage of gum disease. If untreated, this chronic condition will cause inflamed, bleeding gums and bone deterioration. Eventually, teeth may become loose and fall out, and the jaw bone may begin to recede. To prevent this outcome, periodontal treatment involves scaling and root planing, practicing good oral hygiene, and in some cases, laser periodontal surgery, also know as LANAP.  Drs Emery & Scuro are certified and trained to use the LANAP procedure, instead of the older cut, stitch & sew periodontal surgery treatment. This reduces harmful bacteria in the mouth, which curbs the symptoms of the condition.

How Does it Affect Your Overall Health?

periodonticsIn a study published by the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, researchers found that treating periodontal disease affects more than just your oral health. After treatment, patients  experienced a measured improvement in symptoms of other chronic systemic conditions, such as type 2 diabetes, coronary artery disease, cerebral vascular disease, and rheumatoid arthritis. So not only are those with periodontal disease more likely to suffer from another inflammatory condition, but these issues are also impacted by oral treatment.

What Is the Link?

You may be wondering how gum disease impacts one’s heart or bones. While scientists don’t know for certain, they believe the harmful bacteria associated with periodontal disease may spread to other organs through the throat and lungs. In fact, one of the key periodontal pathogens, P. gingivalis, was frequently found in the coronary arteries of patients who suffered heart attacks.

Protect your heart, smile, and whole body by taking care of your teeth and gums. Drs Emery & Scuro, DMD, PC, have been providing area residents with premier dental care for over 35 years. They have the necessary experience to help you take preventive measures and maintain excellent health. To schedule an appointment, call the office today at (585) 247-7110. For more information about their services, visit the website.
