
Your kidneys filter over 120 quarts of blood each day to rid your body of waste and toxic substances. According to the experts at Mt Auburn Nephrology in Cincinnati, OH, your body can get the nutrients it needs from your diet to sustain good kidney health and prevent any toxic buildup. A diagnosis of kidney disease, however, means your body may need help in getting the right balance. This nephrology practice has provided three supplements you should add to your daily diet to help aid this process.

Nephrology Practice Shares 3 Supplements That Will Improve Kidney Health

1. B Complex 

B complex vitamins are actually a combination of B6, B12, and folic acid and aid different functions in the body. For example, these vitamins join with iron to prevent anemia, which is important in ensuring your body parts are receiving the oxygen they need. Additional B vitamins such as niacin and thiamine help the body convert food to fuel so patients have more energy.

2. Vitamin Cnephrology practice

Many are familiar with the cold-fighting properties of vitamin C, but this supplement can do even more. For example, it promotes tissue health in the body which means wounds and bruises can heal quicker. Furthermore, it can be used to prevent infection which can help those with kidney disease who may have added toxins in their body.

3. Calcium

Chronic kidney disease can prevent the body from absorbing the calcium it needs from milk and other foods. That’s why many patients take calcium supplements to keep their bones and teeth strong. Too much calcium, however, can have detrimental health effects, so you should always consult with a physician from the nephrology practice before starting a regimen.

Working with your doctor to safely add these supplements to your healthcare routine can drastically improve kidney health, particularly if you suffer from a form of kidney disease. If you’re unsure which may be right for you, consult the team with Mt Auburn Nephrology to evaluate your condition. Call (513) 841-0222, or visit them online to schedule an appointment with the renowned nephrology practice.
