
If your toddler’s first doctor’s appointment is coming up, you’re likely aware it’s better if they’re not scared or nervous about their first visit to the pediatrician. But how can you ensure everything goes well? At Tinkelman Pediatrics in Brockport, NY, they place the comfort of your family first. Here, they offer their top three tips to prepare your child for their initial visit.

3 Tips for a Successful First Visit to the Pediatrician

1. Talk About It

It’s a good idea to talk about the doctor’s visit beforehand and let your little one know what to expect. Young children under two won’t really understand what’s going on, but toddlers will love playing doctor at home to help them prepare for the real appointment. You can take turns being the patient and the doctor, and, before you know it, your child will be looking forward to the visit to see the real pediatrician in action.

2. Bring a Favorite Toy

pediatricianIf your child is particularly nervous in new surroundings, it’s a good idea to let them bring a favorite toy, book, or stuffed animal to comfort them. It’s also a good idea if one of the closest caregivers can take the toddler to their appointment instead of sending Grandma or another relative. Having one of their parents with them will be more comforting.

3. Plan Something Fun Afterwards

You may want to plan a fun outing after the visit without tying it to your child’s behavior at the doctor’s office. Your little one may still be nervous and scared, but having something to look forward to afterwards will help distract them and keep their spirits up, especially if they need to get a shot.

Are you looking for a pediatrician for your child? Give the office of Tinkelman Pediatrics a call at (585) 637-0060 to make an appointment today. They perform comprehensive health exams, and their services also include being available on short notice to treat a cough or an ear infection. To learn more, visit the website
