
The procedure for treating root canals has a bad reputation, but in reality, advancements in modern dentistry have made it virtually painless. But even if you see the best dentist for treatment, you may still experience some anxiety going into the appointment. You can reduce the stress associated with undergoing various dental procedures by educating yourself before the appointment and by discussing your concerns once you’re in the dentist’s chair. Keen Dental Care in Columbia, MO, shares what to expect during the root canal procedure to get you started.

Treating Root Canals: What You Can Expect During the Procedure

Performing the Root Canal 

X-rays are necessary for both diagnosing infected teeth and determining the best way to treat them. Once your dentist has reviewed the images and confirmed the extent of the infection, it is time for the actual procedure.

root canalsFirst, you will receive local anesthesia around the infected tooth. This will numb the tooth and surrounding tissue.  Next, a rubber dam will placed around the tooth to isolate it from the rest of the mouth.  Then, your dentist will begin drilling into to the tooth until they have access to the infected pulp and decayed nerve tissue. After removing this debris, the dentist will clean and disinfect the root canal space.  Your dentist will seal the tooth with a special rubber-like compound and then place a filling. Depending on the extent of the damage, you may also need a crown on top of the tooth.

Post Treatment Care

Your dentist will also give you specific instructions for caring for the tooth at home. This will include guidelines on keeping it clean and on managing any pain or discomfort you might feel once the anesthesia wears off. Follow all of your dentist’s instructions to facilitate the healing process.

Whether you have a single chipped tooth or you need full mouth restoration, you can rely on Keen Dental Care in Columbia, MO, for quality care. Check out their website to learn more about the various procedures they offer, and call (573) 875-5336 to make an appointment today.
