
If you have a child who is about to start preschool, you’re probably wondering how they’ll handle those first few weeks of separation. Some separation anxiety is normal, and preschool teachers are used to helping children—and parents—navigate their way through the issue. Here are a few tips that will help you and your little one when the time comes to say goodbye for the day.

3 Tips for Separation Anxiety in Preschoolers

1. Practice Makes Perfect

Children appreciate routine. The more you practice saying goodbye, the more comfortable they’ll become with it. Try it out for a few weeks before the first day of school by leaving your child with a trusted caregiver or family member, in your own home or at the caregiver’s home.  

preschool2. Create a Ritual

A fun goodbye ritual can create a special bond between parent and child, and it can give the child something to look forward to. It could be a kiss, hug, or special wave as you leave the classroom.  

3. Set Limits

Sometimes, you just have to leave, even if your child is crying. Do your goodbye ritual, reassure your child that they will have a great day with the teacher, and leave. Lingering longer can have an adverse effect, drawing out the moment of separation longer. If you’re concerned, call the school later in the day to ask how your child is doing. Most likely, the anxiety only lasted a few minutes.

Separation anxiety is a normal and temporary part of growing up, especially if your child is new to a preschool or any kind of child care environment. With patience and persistence, your child will grow comfortable in the new surroundings, and the anxiety will become a thing of the past.


Plainville Early Learning Center in Connecticut offers high-quality child care and after-school care programs for kids 18 months to 11 years old. Their experienced teachers have early childhood development expertise and are committed to creating a caring, supportive learning environment. Schedule your tour today by calling (860) 747-3321 or sending a message online.
