
Septic systems are underground waste management systems that treat wastewater from your household plumbing system, including the bathrooms and kitchen drains. It’s important for a homeowner to differentiate between fact and fiction when it comes to their septic system. Below are three falsehoods explained to help you prevent the need for emergency repairs.

3 Common Myths About Septic Systems

1. Septic Tanks Are Designed to Last Forever

The average life span of a septic tank is 20 to 30 years; while some may last as long as 50 years, they are not designed to be used indefinitely. You can increase the longevity of your system by practicing routine maintenance and scheduling repairs when you notice a problem.

2. You Don’t Have to Pump Your Septic Tank

septic systemThis myth could cost you a ton of money in damages later down the line. Having your septic tank pumped is a vital aspect of maintenance and can help you catch any potential problems with your system early, such as waste backup in your home.

3. Septic Tank Pumping Is the Only Maintenance You Need

Some homeowners are under the impression that septic tank pumping is the only task necessary to maintain a septic system. While septic tank pumping can solve and catch some issues, such as blockages, many problems are caused by drain field saturation. This cannot be resolved with pumping; it requires an evaluation by a professional plumber.


Ignore the myths and contact the experts to maintain your septic system. The licensed professionals at Reader Plumbing & Septic in Freedom, WI, are trained to handle any residential and commercial plumbing problems you may encounter. If you experience issues with your septic tank, call (920) 788-2527 to schedule a repair. You can also visit their website for more information on their services, including bathroom remodeling.
