
It’s not uncommon to go to the dentist and discover you have a cavity that requires a filling. In the past, the most popular material used for this treatment was metal. However, with advances in dental technology, there are now a wider variety of options to choose from. Your local dentist can help you determine which is best for you based on their uses and traits. 

A Brief Introduction to Dental Filling Materials 


Traditional metal fillings are called amalgams. They are made of mercury, silver, zinc, copper, and tin. Though they are the least expensive and most durable choice, amalgams are less attractive from a cosmetics standpoint because they are highly visible and darken over time. Additionally, their metallic composition can increase the tooth’s sensitivity to heat and cold.


FillingsIdeal for smaller cavities, many patients opt for composite for fillings. Made of resin and glass powder, they are more aesthetically pleasing since they blend in with your existing tooth. Though not as resilient as an amalgam, this option is slightly more expensive.


Porcelain or ceramic fillings look incredibly natural looking and are the most expensive restoration offered.  Unlike other options, porcelain fillings are classified as being indirect—this means an impression of the prepared tooth will be taken and the restoration will need to fabricated for a custom-made overlay that matches your existing tooth.  Traditionally, these restorations are made at a dental laboratory and require two appointments and a temporary restoration. 

Whether you’re looking for teeth cleaning services or require a filling, Stanley R McCardle, DMD | Family Dentistry of Headland, AL, provides quality dental care. They offer an expansive variety of general and cosmetic dentistry treatment options for patients of all ages. Call (334) 693-2112 to schedule an appointment today. Like them on Facebook for more helpful dental information.
