
When you’re young and healthy, life insurance may not be a priority purchase, but there’s no better time to start thinking about it. Many people make the mistake of focusing solely on age when determining whether to buy coverage, rather than financial responsibilities and life changes. As significant events occur and your financial status fluctuates, your requirements for protection will evolve. 

Below are a few factors to keep in mind when figuring out if it’s the right time to get life insurance:

  • Dependents: If you’re married or have children, this is a good indication you should buy life insurance. It is especially true if your household depends on your income to live comfortably and take care of their basic needs. Coverage helps to replace the loss of your earnings after you pass away, so your family can maintain the lifestyle they’re used to.
  • life insuranceDebt: Another factor to think about is what you owe. In the event of your death, your debts won’t simply be absolved; your financial obligations will likely fall to your family. Also, if you’re a homeowner, a life insurance policy provides the necessary funds to continue making mortgage payments.
  • Age & Health: Your age should factor into your purchasing decision whether you’re young or in your golden years. While life insurance is an essential part of estate planning, it’s important to realize that the younger and healthier you are, the lower your premium will be. This means you can lock in a great deal the earlier you invest.


Whatever stage of life you’re in, it’s always smart to consider your life insurance needs and options. The team at Mitchell Insurance Agency LLC is proud to offer the residents of Texas County, MO, quality products at affordable rates. Their dedication to personalized service ensures every client gets the right amount of coverage to match their specific needs. Contact them at (417) 967-2140, or visit their website for additional information on the services they provide. 
