
Did you know proper and regular septic tank maintenance can save you thousands of dollars? Depending on the size of your home, septic tank replacement can cost up to $7,000, so prevention of the accumulation of solids is crucial. Homeowners living in Douglas, GA, leave their septic cleaning to the experts at A & C Septic Tanks & Portable Toilets for many years. Below, the professional team discusses tips to ensure your septic system operates as it should for years to come.

3 Ways to Avoid Solid Accumulation in Your Septic System

Schedule Regular Pumping

septic tankEvery homeowner with a septic system should schedule regular service to prevent solids from accumulating within their system. How often you should schedule service depends wholly on several factors, including the size of your tank and household, as well as whether or not you have a garbage disposal in the home.

Turn on the Pressure

Even with regular septic service, your septic system drain pipes will most likely continue experiencing the accumulation of solids and debris. This buildup is bad for homeowners because it clogs the pipes connecting the system to the septic leach field. To avoid this from causing major issues, and to keep your system running efficiently, it’s also a good idea to schedule high-pressure water jetting every five years. 

Pay Attention to Bacteria

Unfortunately, common household substances, like soaps, are a huge pain for septic system efficiency. Once they penetrate your system, these unnatural materials kill the naturally occurring bacteria that allow your system to operate as it should. To counter this, you can purchase bacteria additives to ensure your system’s pipes flow smoothly.

Whether you need assistance with septic pumping, drain cleaning, or portable toilet rentals, the knowledgeable team at A & C Septic Tanks & Portable Toilets is here for you. Give them a call at (912) 383-7005 to schedule your inspection. You can also visit them online for more tips and service information.
