
When a fire impacts your home, you need an experienced restoration company to clean up and help you rebuild. According to safety experts, this home hazard is a common occurrence in the United States. In 2015, the most recent year for which data is available, there were over 1.3 million house fires across the country. While there are many causes for this disaster, the following are among the most common. 

The Top 3 Causes of House Fires

1. Cooking Equipment

restoration company Russellville ARFor some households, cooking in the oven or on the stovetop is a daily activity. Whether you have electric or gas appliances, a fire can easily occur when preparing a meal. Overheated oil, misplaced dishcloths, and pieces of food can all ignite if not attended to carefully. Restoration company professionals advise homeowners to keep fabrics like dish towels, curtains, and clothing away from open flames. If you experience an oil fire in the kitchen, water and most fire extinguishers will only cause it to spread. Put out oil or grease fires with baking soda.

2. Portable Heaters

Portable heaters offer a convenient solution to cold rooms. However, they can also be dangerous if used improperly. When placed too close to furniture, curtains, or laundry, they produce enough heat to start a fire. Limit the amount of time you use these units, as they are not intended to be your main source of warmth. When you have one running, keep it away fabric surfaces.

3. Smoking

Smoking indoors is one of the top causes of house fires. Bedrooms and living rooms are most susceptible to ignition due to the presence of highly flammable furniture. Bedding, upholstery, curtains, and wooden pieces are all potential hazards. In fact, over 70% of all fatal house fires originate in these rooms. Smoke outdoors and always extinguish your cigarette in an ashtray to prevent fire damage.


Understanding the fire risks present in your home will help you mitigate them. Accidents and emergencies can still happen, so Arkansas Restoration Services is ready to help. This Russellville restoration company is locally owned and brings a personal touch to every fire and smoke damage repair job. Their primary goal is to help you regain a sense of normalcy. For more information about their fire damage services, visit their website or call (479) 967-2018 today.
