
Excellent oral hygiene encompasses more than brushing and flossing twice a day. When it comes to preventative dentistry, taking the time to incorporate some extra steps will save you money and stave off any discomfort. Your dentist can provide you with simple, at-home tasks that safeguard your smile against cavities and decay.

Daily Habits to Boost Your Oral Hygiene 

1. Brush Your Tongue

Oral HygieneYour teeth aren’t the only parts of your mouth that need brushing. A significant amount of the bacteria that contribute to dental decay and bad breath accumulate on your tongue. Brush it every day to fully clean your mouth.

2. Keep a Spare Brush Available

Try to keep a spare dental kit on hand either in your car, office desk, or any other place where it will be readily available when you need it. After eating sweet foods, clear the sugar from your teeth by brushing. 

3. Drink Plenty of Water

Drinking eight glasses of water a day keeps your body hydrated. This shields your smile against decay too by washing away food particles and increasing your saliva production. 

4. Use Mouthwash

A dentist-approved mouthwash will further protect your teeth and gums from issues, as well as freshen your breath. Just make sure you don’t use it immediately after brushing. Otherwise, you risk rinsing away the fluoride from your toothpaste.


By sticking to a few daily habits, your teeth will remain healthy for years to come. To learn more about proper oral hygiene, schedule an appointment with Riviera Dental Care PC, offering family dentistry services to patients in Foley, AL. Their team is well-versed in preventative dentistry and can answer any questions you might have. Contact them online for more information, or call (251) 943-3368.
