
We are writing to let you know of a change to the Royal Canin frequent buyer’s program.  That program was discontinued quite some time ago, and LVH was no longer giving out new cards.  However, Royal Canin was allowing anyone who still had a partially completed card to continue using it until the card was fully utilized.

That will change on October 31st, 2017 when we will no longer be accepting those cards at all. We wanted to give clients who may still have lingering cards enough time to try to fully use their cards.

Even if your card is not close to completed, you are allowed to buy multiple bags or cases of canned food on a single invoice. You will receive 1 credit on the card for each bag or case, allowing you to complete your card by the cutoff date, and redeem it for your freebie. If the food you normally buy is special order, or stocked in limited quantity, you may want to call us in advance to make sure we have the quantity you desire.

So if you still have a Royal Canin frequent buyer card, make sure to use it before October 31st. All free bags/cases must be redeemed by that date.
