
A pool is a wonderful addition to any household, but regular and proper maintenance is necessary to enjoy it properly. The general rule of thumb of pool maintenance is to drain, clean, and add chemicals on a regular basis. Despite the simplicity of the tasks, there are common mistakes that pop up and cause trouble, from murky looking water to poor water circulation. Below, the pool experts at M & M Pool Services in Honolulu, HI, list five mistakes you can avoid with proper maintenance.

5 Common Pool Maintenance Mistakes

1. Not Testing Water Regularly

Testing the water in your pool isn’t something that can be done pool maintenanceonce and left alone for the rest of the season. Regular testing, especially after each use, is vital to make sure the pool water is bacteria-free and properly balanced. The most important elements to test are pH levels for acidity, and calcium hardness, which can cause cloudiness. However, you should check with a pool care expert to ensure you’re not overlooking an important aspect of your pool water.

2. Improper Use of Algaecide

When your pool water starts turning murky and green, algae is making itself at home in your pool. That’s when algaecide comes in. However,  just dumping algaecide into the pool won’t solve the problem. Since algaecide lowers the levels of chlorine in your pool, you have to start with a high base level of chlorine. To make the algaecide most effective, keep your pool pump on to allow the chemicals to cover the whole pool.

3. Not Letting Water Circulate Long Enough

The pool pump keeps your water circulating through a filtration system, lowering the chances of algae and bacterial growth. While it is optimal to keep your pump on at all times, that may not be economically feasible for some homeowners. It is recommended you keep your pump running at least seven or eight hours a day. Because it runs so often, make sure you have a professional service your pump regularly to avoid untimely breakdowns. 

4. Not Scrubbing Regularly

Routinely cleaning your pool removes dirt and other contaminants and prevents bacterial and algae growth. It also keeps your pool's walls looking clean and inviting. Without regular cleaning, your pool can develop bacterial or algal growth, a problem that is much more complicated than regular cleaning and will require inconvenient remediation. 

5. Not Cleaning the Skimmer Basket Enough

It’s easy to forget about things when they’re out of sight, but you shouldn't neglect the skimmer basket. The skimmer in your pool is the filter system that sucks in water and collects debris. If left neglected, you not only increase the chances of bacterial growth but could also clog the filter system to the point that an expert needs to be called in.  

Pool maintenance can be overwhelming, but you don’t have to do it all on your own. The experts at M & M Pool Services are happy to provide you with a stress-free pool cleaning service. In fact, they’re so confident in the quality of their work, they offer a month-long trial period to any new customers of their weekly maintenance program. Give them a call at (808) 375-6816 or visit their website for more information on their available services. 
