
By now, you've probably heard of ADHD as a growing mental health concern among school-aged boys. But this diagnosis isn't just for children. ADHD is a chronic condition which causes inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsive behavior. It affects roughly five percent of children and half as many adults, altering performance in academic and work settings.


There are three different subtypes of ADHD: inattentive, hyperactive/impulsive, and combined. Each has slightly different diagnostic criteria, but all fall under the same umbrella:

  • Inattentive: A person with inattentive type ADHD has a difficult time focusing for sustained periods. They are likely to lose important objects, forget necessary tasks, and get distracted easily.

  • ADHDHyperactive/Impulsive: This type of ADHD is characterized by energy, restlessness, and an inability to sit still. A person with this type is likely to fidget, have difficulty sitting still, talk too much, interrupt, and have difficulty waiting their turn.

  • Combined: A combination of the above traits results in a diagnosis of combined type ADHD.

It's worth noting that all these symptoms are normal behavior in young children. The difference is that a child with ADHD displays much more extreme behaviors than expected for their age—meaning less attention, greater hyperactivity, etc.


As of yet, the scientific community has no definitive answers about the cause of ADHD. Genetics does seem to play a role, as children with ADHD are significantly more likely to have family members with the condition. There is also a correlation with premature birth, tobacco use during pregnancy, and brain injuries. However, no one cause has yet been pinpointed, and there are likely to be several factors involved.

If you or a loved one have been diagnosed with ADHD, there are treatments available to help increase focus and make everyday life easier. Speak with a psychiatrist today about your symptoms to find out which options are available to you.


If you're struggling to cope with change or the everyday demands of life, the psychology experts of Wiregrass Wellness Center in Dothan, AL, can help. Their mental health team offers a tailored and unique approach for each client, giving you the tools you need to combat ADHD, depression, substance abuse, anxiety, and other conditions. To arrange an appointment, call (334) 673-8869 or reach out online.
